The Blossom Tree
The sight of a blossom tree stirs a wave of senses within me reminiscence of my childhood.
We had one next to our property that I always noticed. The aroma of the blossom would fill my senses as a child.
I would admire the tree, amazed by its textures, the fragile softness of the perfect flower and how it would sprout so confidently out of such an inflexible, rigid tree.
Of late, this imagery of a blossom tree surrounds my everyday life. It pulls me in as though it is trying to talk to me whispering its words of wisdom.
I reflect and stay still for a moment.
No matter how tough life itself is at times, no matter how many times it beats you down, we must stay strong and aware of our inner life.
Cultivate this inner life, these small joys that lie within our heart, material possession has no rating over creative flow and the joy this brings to one's life.
A life of creativity, allowing ourselves the time to be creative, allowing these gifts in time to bloom.
Much like the blossom tree, a pleasant surprise..…..a revelation.