Wakey Wakey
On the shoreline lies the thoughts of yesterday.
Drifting in and out until the waves of today wash over and all is cleansed.
Allowing the mind to come to rest, in the ebb of today.
Splish, splash the young boy starts to sink his feet into the soft sand as he plays on the shoreline, invigorating his senses.
Plunge goes the old cobber as he dives in, popping up like a penguin with delight and sinking into the ocean as if he was quietly taking a bath.
A little crab discretely makes his exit from his hiding hole, he scurries along the sand, I watch his courageous move as the kids play on oblivious.
He lives in the diversity of the world with the readiness of a warrior. Content to move with the natural cycles of the moon, the land, the water, and this perfect rhythm of nature. We have so much to learn and would do well to follow her lead.
If only we could learn to relax a little more and move in the waves of
well-being, moving in the natural flow that life itself sends forth.
A tiny dragonfly delicately lands on my index finger as if he is acknowledging my reflection, I hold my finger as steady as I can to hold him and his wings of light. The dragonfly lives a short life, and it knows it must live to the fullest.
A smile creeps in on my face as a deep gratitude fills my heart. The lesson is huge for each of us.
How do you find presence in your daily life?